Chateau de Chenonceau: Secrets Hiding in Plain Sight

Gallery with striking black and white floor at Chateau de Chenonceau.

Why visit Chateau de Chenonceau?

Chateau de Chenonceau highlights political power plays between Diane de Poiters, King Henry II’s mistress, and Catherine de Medici, King Henry II’s wife. The property is known as much for its stunning aesthetics as it is for its storied history. If you don’t rent a car, it might be a bit of a hassle to get here, especially during the winter. However, nothing this delicious comes easily, and Chenonceau is definitely worth the trouble.

Dueling gardens.

Even today, the distinct tastes of these influential women are reflected throughout the property. For example, dueling gardens reveal the personality of a restrained Catherine di Medici. In direct opposition are Diane di Portiers’ bigger and more extravagant gardens. Her florals portray a progressive thinker with a flair for the dramatics. In her youth, this beauty boldly posed for topless paintings, while taking the 15 year-old king as her lover when she was 35.

dueling gardens reveal the personality of a restrained Catherine di Medici, while Diane di Portiers’ bigger and more extravagant gardens portray a progressive thinker with a flair for the dramatics

Suspicious royal initials.

There is further evidence of a salacious backstory cluttered with plenty of resting bitch face throughout the castle. It is more than a little obvious in the actual shape of the royal initials, which are intertwined everywhere. Seriously, you can’t escape them.

Apparently, King Henry realized that when the letter ‘C’ is placed on top of the letter ‘H’ (Henry and Catherine), it actually looks like the letter ‘D’ (Diane). Take a look at the initials that adorn the castle. Whose love is really immortalized in stone? Hmmm….

But, it is easy to guess who had the last laugh. Upon Henry’s death, the queen kicked her husband’s paramour to the curb. After banishing Diane from court, Catherine promptly set up shop in his ex-lover’s chateau.

Wrapped up in historical scandals and beauty, Chenonceau continued to pass through the hands of elite ladies throughout the years. Undoubtedly, de Medici and de Poiters brought the most drama to the intimate chateau that spans the River Cher.

Rife with rivalry and epic parties, the impact of these powerful women is still felt throughout this fairytale escape. There’s just something about Chateau de Chenonceau.


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